Brian Formato Brian Formato

Collaborating for the Good of Others

Groove Management’s Charity Bike Build Challenge is a great team building workshop with a special give back component. Teams foster collaboration while assembling bicycles that they then gift to children in need.

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Office Monsters or Culture Crusaders?

If you want employees to return to the office are you framing the ask properly? CNBC has been calling Wall Street CEOs Office Monsters. What if they referred to them as Culture Crusaders instead and focused on the positives? Would that change the dialogue?

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Change Management Brian Formato Change Management Brian Formato

The Riptide Effect: A Sales Shift from Geographic Alignment to Vertical Alignment

A riptide is a dangerous condition that can suck a swimmer or a surfer out to sea. Rather than fighting the current, one must swim or paddle with it. This approach that we refer to as the riptide effect is an effective metaphor for driving organizational change. In this post, we discuss how technology and the pandemic have created a riptide in the way organizations needs to approach sales.

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Executive Coaching Brian Formato Executive Coaching Brian Formato

Embrace your Kryptonite

We all have weaknesses, but few of us are open to admitting what they are. Referring to weaknesses as our Kryptonite changes the dialogue to a more approachable subject and makes weaknesses more acceptable. After all even superman has his weakness.

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Do you wear a mask for physical or psychological safety? Authentic leadership is about being genuine in your actions. Halloween and the idea of donning a costume to be someone you are not brings to mind the concept of authentic leadership. While it is fun to dress up for Halloween and wear a mask, I wonder how many of us really get to be our authentic selves at work? Do you have to wear a mask to work each day to fit in with your corporate culture or can you be your true self?

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