Maximizing Performance Through Coaching
An Executive Coach Is Like A Personal Trainer for Business
Groove Management’s team of certified coaches work with executives across multiple industries, geographies and functional areas. Coaching clients include:
Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)
Chief Revenue Officers (CROs)
Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs)
Chief People Officers (CPOs)
Chief Technology Officers (CTOs)
Chief Financial Officers (CFOs)
Chief Operating Officers (COOs)
Heads of Engineering
Founders and Co-Founders
Senior Vice Presidents and Vice Presidents
High Potential Leaders
Emerging Leaders

“Finding the right “coach” that matches your cultural needs and understands the challenges of teams through various stages of growth is not easy. We were fortunate to be introduced to Brian Formato by Norwest Partner and have been working with him for almost four years. He’s helped shape cultural norms, worked with the leadership team on alignment, and performed individual coaching for a few team members too. Committing to a coaching philosophy for your leadership team over the long haul pays dividends as long as you maintain continuity and continue to invest. Brian continues to add value beyond what I imagined when we first met and will continue to do so in the future”
Ray Hein
Retired, CEO and Founder
Groove Management's Executive Coaching Approach
Groove Management helps leaders to be more effective. Our executive coaching approach is tailored to the unique needs of each coaching client. We make use of a variety of assessment tools including the REACH Quotient, the Groove360 Feedback Instrument, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Conflict Dynamics Profile, FIRO, Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument and others.
We begin each coaching engagement by working to understand the specific goals of the organization and the coachee. With the goals as the guiding principle for the engagement, we create a coaching plan with clear milestones. Coaching can be done via video or most effectively though face to face meetings.
We believe that coaching is about chemistry. The coach and the coachee must have good chemistry for the engagement to be successful. Therefore we offer multiple coach options for our clients and ask that the coachee interviews 2-3 potential coaches before choosing their coach.
The Value of Executive Coaching
Andrew Kvaal the President and COO at Ampion explains the value he has derived from having Groove Management’s Brian Formato as his executive coach. Andrew highlights the role Brian plays as a sounding board, outside advisor, thought partner and accountability partner.
An executive coach can accelerate growth and provide perspectives unavailable with internal company resources.
Andrew Kvaal, President of Ampion explains the value of executive coaching.
3 Keys To Executive Coaching Success
Executive coaching has become more commonplace and has lost the previous stigma of being reserved for executives in trouble. That is a good thing. Having a coach is a privilege and more leaders are warming to that notion. A coach can be incredibly helpful. Having coached numerous senior executives, we have found that there are three keys to a successful coaching engagement. The first two keys actually precede the coaching work.
1) The coachee must want a coach
Coaching is like hiring a personal trainer. If you are not serious about getting into shape, no trainer no matter how good and motivating is going to be able to help you. Therefore, the coachee must be open to having a coach and be receptive to receiving feedback in an effort to improve performance. Coaching is about helping people to see their blindspots and channeling their energy to maximize strengths. This requires commitment and openness from the coachee. A good way to think about this is to alter the joke about changing a light bulb. "How many coaches does it take to change a light bulb? One, but the light bulb has to want to change."
2) Coaching is about chemistry
Coaching is about personal chemistry, not scientific chemistry. Much like dating, if there is no chemistry between two people it is doomed from the start. Too many companies make the mistake of assigning a coach. The likelihood that the assigned coach and the coachee hit it off is quite low. In my experience the best approach is for a company to select three potential coaches for each engagement. The coachee should meet with each of the coaches and then have them choose the coach they are most comfortable with.
3) Set clear goals for the engagement
Without a clear plan and desired outcomes, it becomes very difficult to measure the effectiveness of the coaching engagement. During the first few sessions, the coach and the coachee should create a one page goals document which outlines the desired outcomes for the engagement. This document should be revisited from time to time to ensure that the coaching is providing the right type of assistance and that progress is being made.
When coaching works well it can have a dramatically positive impact on an organization and most importantly on the individual being coached. As a coach, there is nothing more pleasing than to have a previous coaching client reach back out years later to tell you that your work with them changed their life and helped them to improve as a person and as a professional.
Coaching Articles and Programs
Assessment Tools
Looking to hire an executive coach?
Contact Groove Management to discuss your specific needs