Sauna Time: The Heat of The Moment
A sauna might provide the oasis you seek to free your mind from technology while also benefitting your body. In this post I explore my challenge of tapping into my creativity and the benefits I have found in using a sauna.
What is your ROT (Return on Time)?
Time is the great equalizer. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. How we leverage our time determines our level of success and value. What is your ROT?
Sharpen Your Carrots
Striking the right balance between praise and punishment with employees is a challenge for most leaders. The term to sharpen your carrots is Groove Management’s way of helping leaders to remember to strike the right balance.
Is The Most Effective Leadership Style Within Your Reach?
What is your mental capacity to reach with your leadership style. We are all clear on our physical limitations, but what is our ability to stretch our style when it comes to leading ourselves and others?
Are You on the Naughty List?
My naughty list is comprised of people who are unresponsive. Responsiveness is a trait of successful leaders.
Structure and planning leads to much more consistent performance both for our children, our families and our work teams. Predictable results require a disciplined approach.
Do You Delegate Tasks or Responsibility?
There is a natural challenge between delegating tasks and delegating responsibility. The best leaders have learned to empower their team members by delegating ownership rather than tasks. This article explore the differences between delegating task and responsibilities
Why There is No Such Thing as Micro-Leadership
We have all heard of micro-management, but the term micro-leadership doesn’t exist. Why is there so much confusion between leadership and management?
Embrace your Kryptonite
We all have weaknesses, but few of us are open to admitting what they are. Referring to weaknesses as our Kryptonite changes the dialogue to a more approachable subject and makes weaknesses more acceptable. After all even superman has his weakness.
Do you wear a mask for physical or psychological safety? Authentic leadership is about being genuine in your actions. Halloween and the idea of donning a costume to be someone you are not brings to mind the concept of authentic leadership. While it is fun to dress up for Halloween and wear a mask, I wonder how many of us really get to be our authentic selves at work? Do you have to wear a mask to work each day to fit in with your corporate culture or can you be your true self?
The Executive Coach Accountability Partner
As an executive coach one of the important roles that I play for my CEO clients is to be an accountability partner.
What Background Apps Are Draining You?
Two simple life hacks to reduce personal stress. CONTROL, ATL, DELETE and shutting down the background apps that are draining energy.
Taking Executive Coaching Outside Frees Your Thinking
Executive coaching should model the changes expected of the coachee. By shifting to an unconventional venue, the coachee can feel liberated and begin to make the changes required to improve performance.
What an Interview with a 14 Year Old Teaches about Servant Leadership
While helping to select mentors for The Sandbox non-profit, I learned a valuable lesson from a 14 year old mentor candidate. Serving others is the key to effective leadership and our youth understand it, but adults often forget the power of servant leadership.
Uncommitted: When executive coaching fails
A commitment to learning and developing are key to an effective coaching engagement. There have a been a few coaching failures that I have learned from and they all had one thing in common; a lack of commitment from the coachee.
Hey CEO, What is Keeping You Up At Night? And a more important question
As a senior executive are you carrying too much of the burden for your organization on your shoulders?
Does Being Self-Aware Make You Wise?
Is there a correlation between being self-aware and being wise? The better we know ourselves the more effective we can be at leading ourselves and others.
The Iceberg Theory and the Gems We Can Learn
In business we often talk about the iceberg theory and the fact that more lies beneath the surface, but to witness it firsthand and to take away new learnings in Iceland was even more impressive.
Why You Should Own Your Weaknesses
A lot has been written about capitalizing on ones strengths, but owning ones weaknesses is equally important. Phoebe Nixon explores why in her guest post.
Coaching Benefits Top Athletes, So Why Don't More Business Leaders Have Coaches?
Top athletes rely on their individual coaches to boost performance. Why don't more business leaders rely on coaches. Coaching is best suited for experts.