The Adult Happy Meal Planning Meeting
Now is the time to proactively plan for tougher economic conditions. The Adult Happy Meal Planning meeting is a symbolic way to prompt your leadership team to exercise fiscal responsiblity.
Behold the Turtle
Turtles while know for being sure and steady make progress when they stick their necks out.
Why Entrepreneurs Have The Advantage During The Coronavirus Crisis
Entrepreneurs are optimists and that is an important mindset for navigating uncertainty.
The Flying Trapeze Change Model
COVID-19 has changed our world permanently. There is no going back to the way things were, only the opportunity to go forward. The flying trapeze change model is a powerful visual to help individuals and organization to embrace the new normal.
Covid-19 is teaching us about Vulnerability and Resilience
Covid-19 is teaching us a lot about our vulnerability and resilience as individuals and as a society.
Now is The Time To Lead With Empathy- Lessons from Post 9/11 Downsizings
These are going to be trying times. The best leaders will lead with empathy. Having led significant downsizing post 9/11 I have some lessons learned to share in this post.
Are You Committed?
Commitment is important. However, even more important is making certain we commit to the right things. Kim Haagensen's story teaches an important lesson about commitment.
Building The Personal Resilience Required To Navigate Change
Excerpt of keynote address to the SCTE on disruption, innovation, change and resilience.
Modeling Resilience: Meet Charles Hunt, The "UNBREAKABLE" TEDxCharlotte Speaker
Meet Charles Hunt the "Unbreakable" TEDxCharlotte speaker. Charles has an amazing story of overcoming the odds and a message to everyone who has ever felt down, but not out.