The Jenga Leader Test
As a leader would you pass the “Jenga Test”? Could you be extracted without causing harm to the team?
From Hero Leader to Coach: Why Great Teams Need Less Leadership and More Collaboration
The definition of an effective leader is evolving. In today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving business landscape, the traditional model of leadership is undergoing a seismic shift. The days of the "hero leader" — the individual who single-handedly drives success, makes all the decisions, and carries the weight of the team on their shoulders — are numbered. Instead, organizations are recognizing the power of collaborative, coach-like leadership that empowers teams to thrive independently. This shift isn’t just a trend; it’s a necessity for building resilient, innovative, and high-performing teams.
R.O.G. Return on Generosity Podcast- Find Your Groove
In this episode of the R.O.G. Return on Generosity Podcast, Groove Management’s Brian Formato joins Shannon Cassidy to discuss leadership, generosity, surfing and finding your groove.
Embracing Thirst and Hunger: How These Drives Fuel Exceptional Leadership
In leadership, thirst and hunger are much more than physical sensations—they're powerful drivers that can push leaders to new heights. When we approach these feelings positively, thirst and hunger become the fuel that ignites passion, persistence, and growth in leadership. Here’s why these feelings are essential and how embracing them can make a difference.
Seven Key Principles of a Learning Organization
Becoming a learning organization isn’t some end goal — it’s like claiming to be “an enlightened person.” It’s about continuous growth and reflection. The real key is committing to the process and always evolving.
With that in mind, here are seven foundational principles of learning organizations that I believe are worth remembering—and applying:
Finding Your Groove: The Leadership Experience Podcast
Groove Management’s Brian Formato recently appeared on The Leadership Experience Podcast with Paul Findlay.
Brian shares his people-focused perspectives on business growth through leadership that focuses on strengths.
Brian discusses the importance of identifying and dissecting success and using it as a model to grow and scale up.
What if You Reframe Your Role from Boss to Coach?
Are you the boss? What exactly does that mean? Does the title boss encourage you to act bossy? Is that a good thing. Would it help to shift that mental model from boss to coach?
Finding Your Groove: Proactive Leadership and Relationship Building
AccruePartners hosts Groove Management’s Brian Formato on their podcast to discuss leadership and relationship building
Celebrating 10 Years at the Helm of Groove Management
Celebrating 10 years at the helm of Groove Management. My journey to living my dream of running Groove Management as my full time job.
High Flying Unicorns
Achieving unicorn status is a rare feat for companies. At Groove Management we have had the privilege of working with several unicorns. In this post we outline a few commonalities that we have found.
Sharpen Your Carrots
Striking the right balance between praise and punishment with employees is a challenge for most leaders. The term to sharpen your carrots is Groove Management’s way of helping leaders to remember to strike the right balance.
Organizational Swim Lanes and Silos
There is a balance that must be achieved in an organization or else too much structure can turn organizational swim lanes into silos.
Is The Most Effective Leadership Style Within Your Reach?
What is your mental capacity to reach with your leadership style. We are all clear on our physical limitations, but what is our ability to stretch our style when it comes to leading ourselves and others?
12 HR Terms You are Probably Not Familiar with That Can Improve Your Business
12 Human Resources terms that can improve your business results. Let your company’s vocabulary drive your culture and your business intentions.
Timeout: The premise and the promise of enhanced performance
Calling timeout in sports is a strategic move to help win games, yet in business few leaders ever call timeout. Learn more about Groove Management’s approach to team timeouts.
The Adult Happy Meal Planning Meeting
Now is the time to proactively plan for tougher economic conditions. The Adult Happy Meal Planning meeting is a symbolic way to prompt your leadership team to exercise fiscal responsiblity.
Do You Delegate Tasks or Responsibility?
There is a natural challenge between delegating tasks and delegating responsibility. The best leaders have learned to empower their team members by delegating ownership rather than tasks. This article explore the differences between delegating task and responsibilities
The Riptide Effect: A Sales Shift from Geographic Alignment to Vertical Alignment
A riptide is a dangerous condition that can suck a swimmer or a surfer out to sea. Rather than fighting the current, one must swim or paddle with it. This approach that we refer to as the riptide effect is an effective metaphor for driving organizational change. In this post, we discuss how technology and the pandemic have created a riptide in the way organizations needs to approach sales.
Why There is No Such Thing as Micro-Leadership
We have all heard of micro-management, but the term micro-leadership doesn’t exist. Why is there so much confusion between leadership and management?
Jeff Van Gundy Talks Leadership
ESPN Commentator and NBA head coach Jeff Van Gundy shares his thoughts on leadership.