Learning Igor Gorlatov Learning Igor Gorlatov

Seven Key Principles of a Learning Organization

Becoming a learning organization isn’t some end goal — it’s like claiming to be “an enlightened person.” It’s about continuous growth and reflection. The real key is committing to the process and always evolving.

With that in mind, here are seven foundational principles of learning organizations that I believe are worth remembering—and applying:

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Do you wear a mask for physical or psychological safety? Authentic leadership is about being genuine in your actions. Halloween and the idea of donning a costume to be someone you are not brings to mind the concept of authentic leadership. While it is fun to dress up for Halloween and wear a mask, I wonder how many of us really get to be our authentic selves at work? Do you have to wear a mask to work each day to fit in with your corporate culture or can you be your true self?

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Career Management, Leadership, Risk Taking Brian Formato Career Management, Leadership, Risk Taking Brian Formato

Fun With Failure Podcast: Brian Formato Teaches Leadership through Surfing

Brian Formato shares one of the best failure stories ever. He’s the founder and principal at Groove Management, a human capital consulting firm focusing on organizational and talent development. He also created LeaderSurf, a professional development program that teaches leadership through surfing.

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Career Management Brian Formato Career Management Brian Formato

Laid Off? Why A Co-Working Membership Should Be Part Of Your Job Search Strategy

Anyone who has ever lost a job knows that networking is a key to finding the next opportunity. Sitting at home blasting out resumes is not an effective way to conduct a job search. Job seekers need to be out meeting new people and selling their capabilities in person.  Co-working venues are a great place to expand one’s network.

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