Post Acquisition Integration

Making mergers and acquisitions successful

Merging lane sign

Companies typically pursue multiple growth paths.  They grow organically and they grow through acquisitions.  The global business community and business journalists are obsessed with blockbuster mergers.  Curiously, researchers are quick to point out that about 70% of mergers fail to deliver on their promises, yet companies continue to pursue them.  Groove Management's leadership has been involved in twenty plus mergers and acquisitions.  We have first hand experience with both highly successful mergers and failed mergers. From our experiences we have mapped out a pre and post merger integration process that can greatly increase the likelihood of success.

Our belief is that there is no such thing as a merger.  Calling the joining of two organizations a merger is a nice way of appealing to the leadership of both organizations.  In the end, all mergers end in acquisition.  One company ultimately has the upper hand and their leadership gets to call the shots.  The sooner an organization can make that distinction the higher the success rate.  As we consult with organizations exploring M&A activity, we help the leadership teams to create a clear deal roadmap.  Planning for day one starts months in advance of the actual deal.

Groove Management's team can serve as a partner to your organization's leadership to ensure that your M&A activities have a high success rate.  We can help your team work through all human capital related issues and opportunities. Assessing talent and aligning talent quickly  are key to the success of the initiative.

Sampling of Groove Management's Mergers and Acquisitions Experience:

Parent Company Acquisition Company Industry
Golden Books Family Entertainment Broadway Video Publishing
Golden Books Family Entertainment Western Publishing Publishing
FPA Medical Group Virginia Medical Associates Healthcare
Time Warner Cable Adelphia Cable Cable and Telecom
AOL Time Warner Media & Entertainment
Doosan Infracore Bobcat Construction Equipment Construction Equipment
Doosan Infracore Ingersoll Rand Portable Power Construction Equipment
Doosan Infracore Moxi Articulated Dump Trucks Construction Equipment
Ingersoll Rand OMI Compressed Air Treatment Industrial
Ingersoll Rand Allegion (Security Spinoff) Industrial

Contact us to learn more about our post acquisition capabilities and how we might serve your organization's needs.


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