Lessons from An Early Tech Adopter: Why Everyone Will be Driving an EV Soon
I am an early adopter of technology. However, I wanted longer that I usually do to embrace electric vehicle technology. In hindsight, I question what took me so long.
Isn't It Ironic? Failure, learning and being disrupted
A lesson from a mistake on a slide in a presentation on failure. The irony.
Building The Personal Resilience Required To Navigate Change
Excerpt of keynote address to the SCTE on disruption, innovation, change and resilience.
With the hunter now the hunted, it is time to adopt a new strategy for success in the digital age. Those that embrace the opportunities will flourish and the companies that drag their feet and stay married to their traditional sales channels will pay the price in the long run. This is an exciting time for both new and old companies; most importantly it is a great time to be a consumer because the access to products, services and data has never been so great. Be digital or be gone!